A Law Firm With A Track Record Of Success In Long-Term Disability Claims Is There For You
When a worker is hit hard by injury or illness, their ability to earn a wage and provide for themselves and their families can come to an abrupt stop. In some situations, employees are unable to return to their jobs and careers for months or years. In other cases, they are prevented by disabilities from ever returning.
When an employer or insurer denies long-term disability benefits coverage, you need an attorney experienced in navigating and prevailing in these often complex disputes.
From the Cincinnati offices of Bennett P. Allen, LLC, our lawyers represent clients in a variety of long-term disability claims disputes across Southwest Ohio and northern Kentucky. Regardless of how firm and apparently final your claim denial has been, we can help.
Guiding You Through The Claims And Appeals Processes
Filing for long-term disability or short-term disability benefits, ERISA benefits for health care and pensions, or other employee benefits is often made complex by insurers and employers eager to deny claims. Our lawyers can help you file initial claims and avoid errors, and we can help you file an administrative appeal of a denied claim.
The experienced lawyers of Bennett P. Allen, LLC, help document your disability claim, prepare you for inquiries and represent you in appeals hearings and in litigation.
We know how important a long-term disability claim can be. In many situations, the future financial well-being for you and your family hangs in the balance. Because the stakes are so high, we provide tireless, meticulous representation in claims appeals to obtain full and fair compensation and benefits for you.
Call Our Firm
We can help you fight for the benefits you need and deserve. The process begins when you call us toll-free at 888-339-0443 or locally at 513-878-1799. You can also contact us online.