Advising And Guiding Ohio Labor Unions
When the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) grants an entity exclusive rights to representation of employees, a complex set of regulations and duties that a union and the employer must follow come into play. At Bennett P. Allen, LLC, we support unions in their efforts to represent their workers. Contact Bennett P. Allen, LLC to find out more.
How We Can Help
Our lawyers help unions adhere to NLRB rules and regulations and to enforce their rights with employers by assisting them with:
- dues and membership issues
- union constitution and bylaws interpretation and application
- union elections
- labor union negotiations and collective bargaining
- advice and representation on employee benefit matters
We also advise labor unions regarding compliance under the Landrum-Griffin Act. This includes rights and duties such as:
- free speech for union members
- annual expenditures
- annual reports
- relations with employers
- rights and responsibilities of union members
The pressure on unions from employers is higher than ever. Anti-union efforts have become commonplace. Lockouts and anti-union presentations happen all too often. Sometimes, an employer will shut down an entire department or plant just to avoid collective bargaining. Call us to find out how we can serve you.
Contact Bennett P. Allen, LLC
If you would like to discuss our labor union advising services, please contact Bennett P. Allen, LLC online or call our Cincinnati office at 513-878-1799 (toll free at 888-339-0443) to speak to an attorney about labor union law. We proudly serve Cincinnati, its surrounding areas and Northern Kentucky.